2024.10.03 TIPA 智慧財產研討會:歐盟單一專利及單一專利法院運作現況與發展之觀察

2024.10.03 TIPA 智慧財產研討會:歐盟單一專利及單一專利法院運作現況與發展之觀察

2024.10.03 TIPA 研討會:歐盟單一專利及單一專利法院運作現況與發展之觀察  

Observation on the Operation and Development of Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court


【辦理地點】 國立臺灣大學法律學院霖澤館7樓第一會議室(https://reurl.cc/Y0d4N4

【主辦單位】 經濟部智慧財產局 Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs

【主辦單位】 台灣智慧財產法學會 Taiwan Intellectual Property Law Association

【主辦單位】 財團法人中華民國專利師公會  Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association

【執行單位】 智慧財產培訓學院 Taiwan Intellectual Property Training Academy

【協辦單位】 國立臺灣大學法律學院科技倫理與法律研究中心 Center for Law, Technology and Ethics, College of Law, National Taiwan University

【策劃單位】 國立臺灣大學法律學院科際整合法律學研究所 Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, National Taiwan University




在歐洲專利布局與專利訴訟新制運作逾一年後,本研討會邀請單一專利法院法官(亦為德國慕尼黑地方法院法官)Tobias Pichlmaier進行專題演講。Pichlmaier從法官及司法實務角度,針對歐盟單一專利及單一專利法院運作之現況與發展,提出最直接的觀察及分享其實務經驗,進而與參與研討會之我國智慧財產專家學者,進行最直接的對話與交流。

After the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and Unitary Patent (UP) system came into effect in June 2023, a new chapter has opened for patent portfolio in the European market. Patent protection can now be sought under a single EU member’s national patent, a European Patent Convention (EPC) patent, or a Unitary Patent. Although the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court are independent from the national and EPC patent systems of the member states, their operations inevitably have an interdependent relationship. Understanding and mastering the operation of the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court is crucial for patent portfolio in the European market. Additionally, the operation of these new systems will undoubtedly offer valuable insights for Taiwan’s patent protection and litigation systems.

Over a year after the new system for patent portfolio and litigation has been in place in Europe, this seminar has invited Judge Tobias Pichlmaier, who is also a judge at the Munich District Court in Germany, to give a keynote speech. From a judicial and practical legal perspective, Judge Pichlmaier discusses the current status and development of the Unified Patent Court and its legal operations, providing direct observations and sharing his practical experience, thus engaging in direct dialogue and exchange with Taiwan IP experts and scholars participating in the seminar.





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